Ah well, Wednesday was a bit of a washout in terms of inspiration to write.
It's the strangest thing but looks like people don't know what "diffuse" means. Or interpret it differently. One editor and one bullshitter didn't know what it meant. Other editors refused to comment. Till, dictionary.com came to the rescue. God bless the site. And so I've decided to put it on a public forum and educate people that "diffuse" means "to spread." There, isn't that simple?
Talking of sites, I'm in love with the Calibri font. MS Outlook 2007 (an installation that led to another of the many truly Bimbo moments of my life, a story for a duller day) is in Calibri and it's very nice. The font is as peaceful as Verdana, as sharp looking as Trebuchet and as rounded as some of the other round fonts, though my own writing resembles Monotype Corsiva. Lettering perfect for romance and poetry in dull weather and greenish surroundings.
And today is a wet day, the weather is gloomy, I've been sneezing and wondering how, if ever, I'm going to do all the things I want to do in life (which are too numerous to list; I like the Mercedez List add; classy, of course), if I lack discipline. Thank God, I have three of the world's best naggers in my life.
As you would have figured by now, this is my only problem with life.
I like orderly chaos, but while adding to the chaos is easy enough, the orderly part somehow passes me by.
And so filled with remorse and guilt and wrapped in warm woolies, I type my apologies for the world to see.
And it's really the world to see, because I was researching the net for something yesterday and guess what opened up on google? My own blog. I felt like someone had punched me, or given me a really heady kiss. The latter is more mot juste. And oh, so much joy happened off. Kickass.
'researching for something'...what would that 'something' be?
Ah, that would be to see if P. G. Wodehouse's Hollywood story that carried the stormy emotion description was online somewhere. It wasn't. I can't recollect the name either. But that's cool, I'm buying the Hollywood omnibus anyway.
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